Nano coating

The chameleon of coatings. Nanocoatings can be applied to all kinds of things. It’s filth and water repellent properties make it useful for a gigantic assortment of applications.

This amazing feat of technology is achieved through a phenomenon known as nanotechnology. Nanotechnology uses ‘nanoparticles’. These particles are only a billionth of a meter small. Putting it into perspective: the difference between a nanometer and a meter is the same as the difference between a (soccer-)football and the earth!

It can be used to;

  • Apply a protective coating for your car paint;
  • Make a windsail water resistant;
  • Make windows water resistant;
  • Slow down decay of fragile objects;
  • Prevent short circuiting;
  • Fight bacteria and mold;
  • and more!

As nano coatings are applied for many different applications, they are also composed differently for different situations. If you’re looking for a water and filth resistant coating, you’ll have to go for a hydrophobic or oleophobic based nanocoating. For a self cleaning coating, a hydrophilic based nano-coating is required. 

If you’re looking for durability more than cleanliness, a glass or ceramic coating will suit your needs. Commonly known as liquid glass, these coatings are renowned for their extreme solidity and the ability to endure blunt force, scratches and tears.
