Epoxycoating / epoxy paint is the most common material in the world of coating. In this article we will walk you through the most used practices, viable base surfaces and more.

In general epoxies are known for their excellent adhesion, as well as their staggering chemical and heat resistance and their electrical insulating properties. That means that they make for the perfect flooring in big industrial complexes that carry heavyweight machinery and/or where very volatile chemicals are being used/produced.


An epoxycoating floor consists of three different layers. The most important part is the top layer. This layer is solid and extremely durable. One the material has hardened, it is completely resistant to chemicals, oil, grease and acids.

Even though epoxy floors are sometimes being used in regular houses, mostly combined with underfloor heating, it is generally very uncommon to find it outside of industrial facilities or car shops. We recommend polyurethane coating for flooring inside a house.

Other uses

Epoxy coating can also be applied as a type of paint to metal substrates. This protects the metal from corrosion as well as making it more durable.

The material is also used as one the best types of adhesive. Being used for mechanical components in aircrafts, automobiles, bicycles, boats, skis, snowboards and plenty others.