ABBCOLL has been putting smiles on the faces of their customers for several years now. Our company is relatively small compared to our competitor wholesalers, but don’t let that fool you! We provide the same range of products and we put a lot of heart into it. Currently based in The Netherlands, we operate everywhere.


As a wholesaler, it’s difficult for us to establish an intimate connection with our clients. Our main focus is providing the best service as possible and we want to make sure our clients are 100% satisfied. We won’t settle for any less. That’s why we focus on building a strong relationship with our regular clients. This allows us to more clearly establish what the needs of each individual client are so we can cater our services to their needs.


We envision a strong and healthy company. Growing continuously while maintaining our trademark customer intimacy. With growth however, comes increased production. Our goal is to keep up the high quality of our service, whilst constantly searching for more environment-friendly ways to provide our services to our clients. Together we can make the world a healthier place, and we’re starting now.
